The Elevator SkyTouch2
How we do it
Horizontal tailplane of RC model SkyTouch2 revolutionises aerodynamics and handling. It achieves minimal aerodynamic drag thanks to its T-tail layout and integrated servo using the RDS system. This has a positive effect on the model's flight performance while maintaining excellent stability.

Our horizontal tailplane for SkyTouch2 is designed to give you maximum comfort during pre-flight preparation. Thanks to its innovative design and advanced technology, you will achieve a very short set-up time. No more mechanically connecting ball studs to the servo!

The saying "a picture tells a thousand words" is extremely true ...

SkyTouch 2 Elevator
MPX connector as a "guide pin" for centering the elevator to a precisely defined position
And of course to power the Chaservo HV85 : - )

MPX connector and centering lock
The centering lock serves for precise fixing of the elevator
Two M4 screws are used for 100% connection

Connecting the elevator T
Means better aerodynamic performance
Another advantage of the T arrangement is the reduced risk of damage to the elevator during landing

Detail of the right half
No rods or covers

Detail of the left half
No rods or covers here either

Servo with RDS bearing
The RDS head is self-locking and the shaft is stainless steel

8 mm thick servo before final bonding of RDS